
Improvements to ing.grid policy

Improvements to ing.grid policy

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-04-04

Following the recommendations of Prof. Dr Petra Gehring, topical editor of ing.grid, and also in conformity with DFG recommendations on scientist tracking, we took some actions to improve the policy of the journal. These are the steps taken by ing.grid: 1 - The use of ORCID and ROR are no longer required for submitting to the journal. 2 -The developers of Janeway, the publishing platform [...]

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New member of the editorial team

New member of the editorial team

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-03-27

ing.grid now has a new member on its editorial team: Dr.-Ing. Jörg F. Unger. He is the head of “Modeling and simulation” for Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and have been working on computational mechanics with a focus on additive manufacturing, data management, reproducible scientific workflows and Bayesian inference procedures, as well as reduced order models to improve [...]

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Presentation in the Research Data Alliance 20th Plenary Meeting

Presentation in the Research Data Alliance 20th Plenary Meeting

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-03-23

On March 21st, Izadora Silva Pimenta presented the concept of ing.grid during the Research Data Alliance 20th Plenary meeting, which is happening in a hybrid format. The presentation was led during the joint session “Automation of LIMS for Data Analysis and Reuse”, which counted with two RDA Groups: Materials Data, moderated by Laura Bartolo (Northwestern University) and Research Data [...]

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"Dating with Data" - ing.grid takes part in the Love Data Week

"Dating with Data" - ing.grid takes part in the Love Data Week

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-01-25

Are you ready to show your datasets to others? Don't be shy: you can find your perfect match or life-changing comments that will clarify your next steps. We can build science together; that is why we want you to participate in our speed dating… with data!As part of the #LoveDataWeek, ing.grid will host a cosy and fun event where you can show your unfinished datasets relevant to an engineering or [...]

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ing.grid is now open for unsolicited submissions!

ing.grid is now open for unsolicited submissions!

Posted by Kevin Logan on 2022-12-01

The international online journal ing.grid is now accepting submissions addressing FAIR data management in engineering sciences.With an open access policy, the journal bridges a gap in the field, offering a platform and recognition for sound scientific practice in generating research data, developing reusable tools for processing that data and curating the data to make it findable, accessible, [...]

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Panel Discussion on Open Access, Open Review and Open Data

Panel Discussion on Open Access, Open Review and Open Data

Posted by Kevin Logan on 2022-11-30

Kevin Logan presented the Open Peer Review process used by ing.grid at the Open Science forum of the Rhein-Main Universities on November 30th, 2022.The panel included Thomas Kollatz (Buber-Korrespondenzen Digital) and Anna Klamet (AuROA) and was moderated by Kerstin von der Krone (Specialised Information Service for Jewish Studies). The panelists discussed how advanced the open science endeavours [...]

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Online Training for ing.grid editors

Online Training for ing.grid editors

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2022-10-12

The editors from ing.grid had the opportunity to participate in a training to get familiar with our Open Peer Review process. This training took place online on October 5, 2022. For the first part of the session, editors could watch a quick presentation detailing the process, the roles included in it and the detailing of their responsibilities described on ing.grid website, leading to a round of [...]

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Second Meeting of the Editorial Board

Second Meeting of the Editorial Board

Posted by Kevin Logan on 2022-08-03

The second meeting of the editorial board of the journal “ing.grid – FAIR Data Management in Engineering Sciences” took place on July 27, 2022. The members gathered online to discuss three subjects – the current status of the development, aspects of governance structures of ing.grid, as well as a timeline and next steps leading up to the first issue. The current status showed the progress [...]

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Launching of the YouTube channel

Launching of the YouTube channel

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2022-07-26

Today, ing.grid launched its YouTube channel with a video called “A Vision for a FAIR Publisher”. On this content, it is possible to watch the talk made by the managing editor Kevin Logan at the University:Future Festival, which took place last November, 2rd.Through the presentation, he introduces some questions and concerns that led to the conception of ing.grid, focusing on the need to make [...]

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LaTeX Template Published

LaTeX Template Published

Posted by Lisabeth Maria George on 2022-06-06

The LaTeX template that can be used for preparing the submissions to ing.grid has been published. Authors may choose any LaTeX-compatible writing environment ( eg, TeX Live) to prepare and submit their paper. Alternatively, and on request, ing.grid also provides access to an Overleaf instance, a web-based, collaborative editor for LaTeX documents. The recommended compiler for all the environments [...]

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New sections added to the website

New sections added to the website

Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2022-06-02

ing.grid website now has dedicated pages on Publication Ethics, Review Process, and Focus and Scope. The new sections can be found under the menu “About”.These sections can offer an overview of our open review process, the types of publications that the journal accepts, and the practices adopted to ensure ethical publishing.

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Constituting Meeting of the Editorial Board

Constituting Meeting of the Editorial Board

Posted by Michaela Leštáková on 2021-12-06

On the 25th of November 2021, the Editorial Board of ing.grid met for the first time to discuss the current state and next steps in the development of the journal.Nearly all members of the Editorial Board, currently consisting of 24 academics from across the world, attended the virtual conference in which they had an opportunity to get to know one another and divide responsibilities with regard [...]

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