• New member of the editorial team

    New member of the editorial team

    Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-03-27

ing.grid now has a new member on its editorial team: Dr.-Ing. Jörg F. Unger. He is the head of “Modeling and simulation” for Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and have been working on computational mechanics with a focus on additive manufacturing, data management, reproducible scientific workflows and Bayesian inference procedures, as well as reduced order models to improve efficiency for real-time computation.

Dr Unger got his PhD in 2009 at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, focusing on mesoscale concrete modelling and solving inverse problems using neural networks. Afterwards, he joined Northwestern University as a DFG-PostDoc fellow, working on multiscale models for the simulation of concrete cracking.

We welcome Dr Unger and are looking forward to working together.

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