• First peer reviewed article published in ing.grid

    First peer reviewed article published in ing.grid

    Posted by Kevin Logan on 2023-04-21

ing.grid is proud to announce that the first peer reviewed article has been published on the journal website: https://doi.org/10.48694/inggrid.3632.

Our gratitude is due to (i) the TUjournals team at the University and State Library Darmstadt for providing the journal infrastructure, guidance and support on the way to building ing.grid, (ii) the Janeway development team for customising their products according to our needs for open peer review, and especially (iii) our editorial board members Bernd Flemisch and Jane Wyngaard for acting as reviewers for the first run of the open peer review process.

The article is a software descriptor introducing the tool plotID developed at the Chair of Fluid Systems, TU Darmstadt. It is published in the rolling first issue of ing.grid.

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