ing.grid believes that an open peer-review process brings fairness and transparency into scientific publishing and improves the quality of reviews. All submissions for the journal will be evaluated through the publication of preprints and comments from reviewers and the community.
Before submitting, authors must consider if their manuscript is under the journal's focus and scope and follow the guidelines for authors.
ing.grid is an open access journal and requires no article processing charges (APCs).
LaTeX Template
All submissions must follow the LaTeX template provided by ing.grid. Submissions that do not follow the template will not be considered.
Here is the link to the Latex Template Repository on GitLab where you can download the template as a ZIP file:
Persistent Identifiers
Globally unique and persistent identifiers (PID) are an important tool for ensuring findability.
Accordingly, authors may provide an ORCID upon submission.
Publication Cycle
ing.grid published continuously all year round. Publications are grouped into issues and provided with an editorial letter whenever appropriate.Sections
Section or article type |
Public Submissions |
Peer Reviewed |
Indexed |
Manuscript |
Software |
Dataset |