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  • ing.grid Office Hours and communication channels

    ing.grid Office Hours and communication channels

    Posted by Izadora Silva Pimenta on 2023-08-15

From now on, we have established new channels for more effective contact with the ing.grid managing editors. This way, we are available to answer questions regarding the open peer review process, clarify steps for editing a publication, and solve any other problems that you may have regarding the journal and its functionality.   

ing.grid Office Hours: Wednesdays 09:00 - 11:00 CE(S)T on Zoom

Starting on September 13th, the ing.grid managing editors will offer Office Hours to provide best possible support for topical editors, reviewers, authors and potential authors. You book an appointment through our Calendly link

After the booking, you will receive a confirmation email and an invitation for a Zoom call. Every appointment is 15 minutes long – but you can book more than one time slot if necessary.

ing.grid RocketChat  

For those involved in the NFDI consortia: ing.grid now has a channel on RocketChat. Members can join the channel and join or start a discussion there

ing.grid Social Media

ing.grid is also active on Twitter, Mastodon and YouTube. You can follow our accounts and also reach the managing editors through it.

With these measures, we hope to offer all the interested community more options to contact the managing editors' team. Besides that, we are always available to hear constructive feedback for improving ing.grid.

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