
Betty’s (Re)Search Engine: A client-based search engine for research software stored in repositories.

Authors: Vasiliy Seibert orcid logo (Institute for Software and Systems Engineering, TU Clausthal) , Andreas Rausch , Stefan Wittek

  • Betty’s (Re)Search Engine: A client-based search engine for research software stored in repositories.


    Betty’s (Re)Search Engine: A client-based search engine for research software stored in repositories.

    Authors: , ,


This is an accepted article with a DOI pre-assigned that is not yet published.

Promoting research, without providing the source code that was used to conduct the research, means a greater effort for every researcher down the line. Existing solutions that aim to make research software FAIR [1], fail to provide a wholesome solution, for they do not sufficiently consider already existing research software stored on platforms like GitHub or organizational GitLabs. We therefore present Betty’s research engine, a client-based implementation of a cascading search process, that first finds research software stored on platforms like GitHub and then links them to corresponding publications or entries in third party databases. We evaluated 400 random search results from the domain of ecology and found that 345 out of 400 repositories made a reference to a corresponding publication / entry in third party database and therefore clearly indicating the potential of the cascading search. Betty’s research engine is live and openly available under this URL:

Keywords: inggrid, data, research data management, research software

Accepted on
16 Apr 2024
Peer Reviewed